Invest & Earn with Stock Picks
We know finding high-performing stocks can be challenging, so let P8FX Stock Picks do the heavy lifting for you. Get regular expert research and analysis on carefully selected stocks we believe have strong income potential. Plus, gain exclusive access to our private Telegram group for real-time updates!
A Snapshot of our 2024 Stock Pick Returns

P8FX Stock Picks in Action
Frequently Asked Crypto Questions
Our Stock Picks service provides carefully selected investment opportunities along with detailed reports. Each report includes company information, chart analysis, a comprehensive conclusion, and suggested entry and exit points for the investment.
The subscription costs £50 per month, giving you access to our stock pick reports whenever they are available.
There is no guaranteed number of stock picks per month. Reports are sent out as new opportunities arise to ensure you receive only high-quality investment picks.
All subscribers are added to a Telegram broadcast group, where we notify you when a new Stock Pick is available and when we are closing any investment positions.
Once available, the Stock Picks reports can be accessed through our student portal.
Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time. You will still have access to the Stock Picks and updates for the remainder of your subscription period.
We do not guarantee the performance of any stock picks. Each report is based on thorough analysis, but all investments carry risk, and it’s important to conduct your own research before investing.
We share a lot of information on our site. Sometimes taking it all in can seem daunting or it could be you have a burning question about trading before you decide.
Whatever your concerns, fear not, we’ve got you covered!
Drop your details in our contact form and one of our team will be in touch to help and answer your questions.
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