The P8FX Trading Course

Our accredited trading platform is built to educate trading enthusiasts of all levels. We help simplify and accelerate your trading journey with our proven trading success.

In-Depth Analysis

You will learn how to technically and fundamentally analyse the markets using a macro top-down approach to help gain a directional edge.

Mindset Behaviour

You will be coached on in-depth positive mindset and behavioural training helping you adapt to the psychological barriers created by the financial markets and maintain emotional control

Course Material

Comprehensive course documentation is provided to assist with your learning. Use these as a reference and a guide to the overall course, revisit these to help you on your trading journey.

Trade Execution

We specialise in confirmation-based trade execution. We don’t use a strategy and we go with what the charts present to us. We trade what we see, no guessing needed.


Along with learning, you'll also be introduced to a world of possibility and freedom. Allow us to help you get closer to your vision. We model the reality of professional full-time traders.

Risk Management

You will learn the importance of correct risk management and how to maintain your trading account. Celebrate your wins but more importantly limit and understand your losses.

Our Advantage

Trading education is everywhere but how do you know you're getting the best possible learning experience and highest quality education?

Below is a breakdown of what you get when you join P8FX and why we are stronger than any of our competitors.

Competitor One Competitor Two Competitor Three
Cost £2,000 £3,999 £6,999 £9,000
Live Teaching
Teacher & Mentor Priyesh Associate Tutorial Tutorial
Live Charts & Analysis with Priyesh
Access to Additional Lessons
Different Trading Styles Taught
Unlimited Access to Live Lessons
Recordings Available of the Live Lessons
Student Support
Student Community Group
Cost Live Teaching
Competitor One £3,999
Competitor Two £6,999
Competitor Three £9,000
Cost Teacher & Mentor
£2,000 Priyesh
Competitor One £3,999 Associate
Competitor Two £6,999 Tutorial
Competitor Three £9,000 Tutorial
Cost Live Charts & Analysis with Priyesh
Competitor One £3,999
Competitor Two £6,999
Competitor Three £9,000
Cost Access to Additional Lessons
Competitor One £3,999
Competitor Two £6,999
Competitor Three £9,000
Cost Different Trading Styles Taught
Competitor One £3,999
Competitor Two £6,999
Competitor Three £9,000
Cost Unlimited Access to Live Lessons
Competitor One £3,999
Competitor Two £6,999
Competitor Three £9,000
Cost Recordings Available of the Live Lessons
Competitor One £3,999
Competitor Two £6,999
Competitor Three £9,000
Cost Student Support
Competitor One £3,999
Competitor Two £6,999
Competitor Three £9,000
Cost Student Community Group
Competitor One £3,999
Competitor Two £6,999
Competitor Three £9,000
Trading Course

The P8FX Trading Course

P8FX offers a comprehensive, detailed, and practical trading education that includes the tools you need to learn how to trade. These core 4 lessons equip you with all the knowledge and skills you need to begin trading.

4 Lessons
Beginner to Advanced

Student Journey

See what our students are saying about their experience at P8FX Trading

Student Journeys

You Can't Buy Time - P8FX Trading Student Journeys - Stuart

See all from this series →
Student Journeys

It's Like A Family - P8FX Trading Student Journeys - Alvin

See all from this series →
Student Journeys

Women Trading In A Man's World - P8FX Trading Student Journeys - Lex

See all from this series →
Student Journeys

The 20 Year Old Trader - P8FX Trading Student Journeys - Anton

See all from this series →

Frequently Asked Trading Questions

All trading lessons/classes are held online via Zoom every Sunday 11am UK time.

Then you can attend the class you missed at next month’s session, you will also have access to the lesson recording in your student portal on our website.

Yes, lesson recordings will be available in your student portal on our website. You will be able to access these 24/7.

Yes, we do have a signal service so you can start to earn while you learn. For more information click here for FX Labs Signals - our VIP signal service.

No, unfortunately that’s a service we do not provide.

4 weeks, over a 1 month period.

Of course, please contact Admin via our contact page who will be happy to assist.

No, the add ons are just categorised in number order, but they are all individual and can be taken however you like.

Please reach out to Admin who will be able to assist you.

The moment you’ve signed up as a P8FX student. Before your course, during, or after, it’s your choice. Pro is highly recommended.

Want to know more?

We share a lot of information on our site. Sometimes taking it all in can seem daunting or it could be you have a burning question about trading before you decide.

Whatever your concerns, fear not, we’ve got you covered!

Drop your details in our contact form and one of our team will be in touch to help and answer your questions.

Want to know more?

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